Thursday, June 5, 2014

La Mesa 2nd and final visit

I couldn't sleep so headed off to La Mesa very early, only to find the gates locked and had to wait until 05:15 before the security guard arrived to unlock.

The unusual sight of a locked outer entrance gate to La Mesa Eco Park

A cheeky security guard at the outer check point, also charged me 20 pesos to come in and I should have argued more and refused to don't have to so if this happens to you, tell them you are taking their picture and want a receipt and photo of their ID, I think will bring a quick retraction on any request for fees.

While I waited at the gate, a Night Heron Sp flew over East and as this has happend several times before, so it might be nice to one day find where they roost to get a confirmed ID....probably Black Crowned looking at the size?

After going across the bridge I often sneak in the gate on the immediate right as it puts you right near the fish ponds for a try for Indigo Banded Kingfisher and quicker access to the back trails, I haven't been told off yet, but might be taking liberties.

At the trail, I sat down at the same spot as yesterday and was quickly rewarded with Slaty Legged Crake creeping through the leaf litter, then mind blowing views of Ashy Ground Thrush, down to 7 feet, so too close to photo a lot of the time. When it did finally move back to 10-12 feet I went to town with shots.

Rather splendily the Ashy Ground Thrush was often very near, or even squabbling with Red-Bellied Pitta, but the latter was much harder to catch on the iphone, as it rarely stopped moving and despite often crossing the path, I only managed to get these shots after it landed and settled for a minute or so about 35-40 feet away.

I walked around quietly for while longer, hearing both Pitta species calling before 07:00, then had nice views of Common Emerald Dove and Glossy Swiftlet at the gate and just before I crossed it, what I think was Large Hawk Cuckoo flew low right and away, all too quickly, but I did see the tail bands and grey head, so am fairly sure that is what it was.

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